Friday, December 18, 2015

Little Mix Perrie

About Perrie Edwards

Perrie Edward's is 1/4 of Brit Pop group Little Mix. Known for their harmonies and fun pop songs that express female empowerment. Perrie is regarded as the best vocalist in the group, bringing a deeper voice with belting prowess. That being said, it's kind of hard to figure out Perrie's voice, because it sounds like she is lowering her larynx to create a darker sound. When she does this, her sound becomes darker, slightly foggy, and in a simple way to phrase it, her singing can sound a little mushy. Perrie's style seems to be based around heavy hitting vocals, big powerful, and well phrased. While she can do runs, it is not integral to her style, so she keeps them light as possible.

Vocal range: D3-G#5-E6

Lower Register (D3-A3)

Perrie has the best lower register of the group, capable of supporting as low as F3 with consistency. Overall, she doesn't really have as much ease down here as she does with the rest of her voice, nor does it seem as highlighted as her belting or head voice.

Middle Range (A4-Eb5)

Perrie shines here. She maintains consistent resonance throughout all the way up to D5. On Eb5, she is a bit of a mixed bag. In the past, Perrie would start to strain around Eb5, showing a closed throat approach to singing. Now while she still can slip into bad habits, she tend to sing much lighter, but because of her preferred method, she will probably never show resonance up this high.

Upper Range (E5-A5)

Above Eb5, Perrie is almost always having issues. The usual sound is very scratchy, stiff, and lacking tone, which is a sign of strain and not singing with a completely open throat. Above F5, she starts raising her larynx more, and the sound is very tight and thin and whiny. As of late though, there seems to be some improvements around E5-F5. While not showing resonance, the sound is overall much better and does not maintain that scratchy quality that is a pattern on her upperbelts. That being said, this does not mean that she is doing well on them, just doing better.

Head Voice: E5-D6

Perrie almost exclusively uses head voice, and is often resonant. In terms of consistency Perrie shows no problem up to around around D6 (originally B5, but there have been improvements). Her ability to switch into head voice is matched only by group mate Jesy.


Perrie is naturally agile, which makes her adept at doing quicker runs. She also can switch between registers with ease and prompt in skill. Normally Perrie isn't big on melisma only doing what is necessary for her, but she is still one of the better users.


Perrie's biggest issue seems to be whatever she does to her singing voice that comes off artificial. It's like she is darkening it to come off more soulful, or...unique. This ultimately just makes her singing voice in her chest very hard to deal with, however it doesn't seem to have hindered her too bad as she is still capable of resonance in her middle (the biggest in the group).


Perrie is the best vocalist in Little Mix, but still has her own issues to face. The biggest one is simply her artifical tone. Outside of that, she has standard vocal issues, but they seem smaller and less of a hassle in comparison to others. She has a strong and beautiful voice that just simply needs be appreciated for what it is. That's not to say that Perrie is doing badly. On the contrary she is really good. Her only unique flaw has not shown to be a hassle in her ability to produce resonance, and she has even shown improvements vocally (some potential in Eb5-F5 in terms of mix), Perrie is far beyond capable and can do a lot with what she has, showing not only great moments, but the potential she calls her voice.

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