Saturday, September 17, 2016

JoJo treats fans with Mad Love song

With the release date of her album quickly moving closer and closer, JoJo has been teasing the music with little acapellas and lyrics on snapchat and Instagram. Finally we get to hear one of the new songs in full with the release of the titled track Mad Love.

Mad Love kind of made this all the better. As a fan of her as a singer and performer, JoJo has really lost me with the music for this era. The TRINGLE felt flat and a grab for public interest (with her mixtape having much better offerings (even giving not using a track that went to a K pop idol, and it sounding way better than what she released). When Fuck Apologies came out, it seemed like a move in a better direction, but still not completely hooking me.

Mad Love is a much stronger effort for the singer. What I think has been lost on me is the musical production. All generic and very vanilla. While Mad Love takes inspiration from the 50’s and doo wop (a very much used era for retro inspired music), it stands out among her other songs so far. Couple that with JoJo’s consistently impassionate delivery (although she might be a little to brazen for such a period piece kind of song), Mad Love hooks me in the way I have been wishing JoJo would since last year.

Mad Love will be released October 14, with Presales happening now. Mad Love the song is available on iTunes.  

Sevyn Streeter releases the sensual My Love For You

The last week has been a bit of a treat for some fans. With many new releases (all very diverse), it’s nothing to not talk about. Sevyn Streeter has been trying to crack the music game for years, and as of late has done a great job as a soloist. Her first two eps gave us catchy flexible tracks that really would have people questioning why Sevyn wasn’t gunning through mainstream success.
Admittedly the newest era has only started with the Gucci assisted Prolly (which only Sevyn could make work), but we get a new song titled My Love For You, which exist on the opposite end.

The one thing I wanted to know was if this was going to have any sort of nod to the late Whitney’s Saving All My Love For You. There has been a big surge of samples as of late pulling from a lot of 90's R&B (yes we are at that stage of life). While Whitney's classic isn't exactly the 90's, I would not be surprised if they sampled her to use as a deconstruction. The only thing I pick up is what sounds like the back voice seems to be an altered Whitney, but other than that, the song is very much its own beast. Instead of being a somber ballad about the relationship of a sidepiece, Sevyn proudly proclaims herself as the only one of her love interest.  
My Love For You admittedly isn’t my favorite. While it combines many of today’s music trends with a romantic twist, it feels super clunky lacking the smoothness that could have really made the song. Near the end is where I found the song at its best musically. The two different changes in melody worked and I was sad that we didn’t see much of them where it mattered.  
While not the greatest song, or even Sevyn’s best, MLFY is a testament to Sevyn. She has a naturally light and sweet voice, and instead of belting her way through, she meanders in a way that is very reminiscent to many R&B singers of today. That trap like delivery. With a sweet voice and charismatic delivery, Sevyn saves this song from being a little too hard up. While I think Sevyn is versatile as a voice, she has this breezy bright quality to her that just seems right with being casual and run filled songs. And while this has seem to become a bigger part of today's singers, Sevyn doesn't seem to lose the ability to be interesting while doing it. 

My Love For You is a cute addition to Sevyn’s catalog. Nothing great, but definitely listenable mostly due to a singer whose greatest strength is how lovely she sounds doing the least. If above all else, I have yet to lose my excitement for a full record from her.