Saturday, April 23, 2016

Fifth Harmony vs Little Mix

I think right now girl groups have been seeing a big miss in the West (if you are into girl groups, K Pop is possibly where you want to go right now), and it shows with the fact that there are only two relevant girl groups in the mainstream. Little Mix and Fifth Harmony have common traits that makes it hard to not compare them. Both were created on a competition show (ironically with two of the same judges at helm), both have strong pop R&B influences. Both have not truly crossed into superstar fame that was once available to girl groups of the past.
With this post I really just want to see what people think of them. Who do you think i the better group? Of course this can be controversial for some fans, but its like comparing Granny Smiths to Golden Delicious: both are apples and work well for certain things, but which does what they do the best.

My answer: Personally I think Little Mix is a better unit. Musically I think the slide by barely and that's on the strength of their last album Get Weird. I think both groups are very hit and miss, and LM only makes it by with having more content. Get Weird however was a solid and nice effort that stripped the group of trying to be another Destiny's Child spin off, instead being fun and flirty pop singers. Their ballads could be better, but overall they had catchy songs that deserve attention.

Fifth Harmony in my opinion has stronger individual songs: Don't Wanna Dance Alone, Top Down, Sledgehammer (although I am not a fan of the chorus), This Is How We Roll, Suga Mama and Going Nowhere and most recently Work From Home. But album wise they are very weak, and single wise...I think Little Mix barely edges them out. I think Fifth Harmony still need to get away from being a DC3 (or really any past girl group) clone shadow. Once LM did, the music started to take its own identity.

Vocally I'd give it to Little Mix as well. Fifth harmony has some beautiful distinctive voices, but I have never been a fan of their harmonies. Little Mix does a better job with that, but vocally they can all get into that same sound feel. Still their execution is often times much better and justifies a lot of complaints I have.
When it comes to the performance...once again Fifth Harmony has it, but Little Mix is better as a unit. Where as I tend to follow along with Normani to see how the performance should go, I watch the entirety of LM because they tend to be more in sync.
Overall, I think Little Mix is better. Musically they just barely beat out Fifth Harmony (having one full album that I find worth it), vocally a more sound group, and in terms of performance they are better in sync. If I were to divide Fifth Harmony up there are definitely stronger members, but as a unit...they need more time. As of late they seem to move better as a group, and vocally a lot of their issues can be pointed to exhaustion (they have been doing much better than last year).
So do you guys agree? What are your thoughts? Do you agree, disagree, and why? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below?

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