Sunday, July 31, 2016

Little Mix Get Weird Tour Vocal Range

Somebody was really awesome enough to make a Little Mix vocal range video for their Get Weird Tour. From just watching the clips I had a sneaking suspicion I was going to have to edit their posts, and well...I was kind of right.

Lets watch this, and below the break, we will dissect the new content!

As a group I think Get Weird has been a great era for them. We get to see them explore and venture out of their normal vocal roles. We also got to see just how soprano this entire group is (in terms of tone and range). Some things to be mindful of: Opinions, the quality of some clips are not the same. and while this is a very thorough video, it doesn't account for every night.
I'm going in oder of name

Easily at her best this tour. Lower register is as usual not her best. Compared to other girls (Leigh, and Jesy) she carries more tone down, but overall below G3, she still seems to struggle. although @ 1:28 her E3 was better than usual. Not necessarily supported, but carried tone so that's a positive! Her D3's were kind of a struggle, but once again, nothing out of the ordinary. In terms of mix I was the most impressed with Jade's. She didn't really do anything that out of the ordinary, support up to C#5, and resonance up to B4/C5, which is typical for her. Above that D5's sounded more open for her, but not consistent enough. After that she is pretty much at varying levels of straining. Her sound is the second most open only to Perrie, but I felt at times she maintained a far better (cleaner) sound than her group mate. In terms of her upper register: more use of her head voice. I think she went up to C6 in head voice, but obviously lacking support.

Jesy surprised me with how far she was willing to go. Lower register is not her strong point. She was even a little quiet on her G#3 (timestamp). Like others, she really shined in terms of her mix. Consistent support up to B4, and surprising openness up to C#5. Above that, she strains all the way up to G5. Still it was cool to see Jesy expand her vocal range, even if the results were not the best (at least they weren't croaked or anything). Her upper register wasn't as highlighted here, and I think we mistaken Jade's high note as Jesy's (which is a testament to how similar their voices are).

Vocally Leigh-Anne is the weakest. That doesn't make her bad, that just means that the talent pool is more refined compared to her. She prefers to try to do things. During this tour her general consistencies are made apparent. Her lower register isn't great. Her low notes reaching down to Eb3, with a lower larynx. Like with Jesy I was surprised Leigh Anne was going as high as she did in her mix. Her highest belt was an F#5 which I was shocked to see her go for. Still it was strained. Everything above C5 was strained (save for what I think were a couple of okay C#5). I think Leigh is pushing her voice way too much and if she backed off she would probably be more consistent in support. Unfortunately her upper register was the least highlighted amongst the group.

There seems to be some things going on with Perrie vocally. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened really. Her lower register still stands as the strongest of the group (carrying more tone and support down). Her mix isn't as resonant as it once was. I think that's been acknowledged by many. However now, there seems to be a bit of a scratchy/throaty quality going on, even in her comfort zone. Normally I wouldn't think much about her C#5's, but here there was some closure going on. Still she has the highest support. Around her E5's it is a mix of throaty closed high notes, or high larynx. Her head voice wasn't up to her usually ability. She was even showing tension has high as B5, something she seemed to have improved upon this era.

Overall the Get Weird tour has been so much fun to watch progress. I think this is their best tour in terms of all four getting to strut their stuff, and seems to be fun. I do hope they take a break and come back with more entertainment and vocals.
So what do y'all think?